
How to forecast restaurant labor costs

Oct 26, 2023
How to forecast restaurant labor costs

Dive in as we look at the methods, strategies, and tech solutions that can steer your restaurant chain to predictable and, even more importantly, optimized labor costs.

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How (and How Not) to Accelerate Hourly Recruiting with AI

Aug 25, 2023
How (and How Not) to Accelerate Hourly Recruiting with AI

Amid labor shortages, industries turn to AI for quicker hourly hiring. Yet, balancing benefits with AI risks is crucial for success.

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Winning the Talent War in the Restaurant Industry Through Enhanced Benefits

Aug 24, 2023
Winning the Talent War in the Restaurant Industry Through Enhanced Benefits

In the restaurant industry's talent war, unique benefits can win the battle for staff retention. Elevate job satisfaction and attract top-tier talent by investing in comprehensive wellness, flexible scheduling, career growth, and financial stability.

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How to Make Demand Forecasting Your Competitive Advantage

Aug 4, 2023
How to Make Demand Forecasting Your Competitive Advantage

Amid the dynamic restaurant industry, an ongoing challenge is accurate demand forecasting. Relying on traditional models leads to scheduling errors and inefficiencies. Why?

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AI in the Restaurant Industry: How to Make the Data Work For You

Aug 4, 2023
AI in the Restaurant Industry: How to Make the Data Work For You

Christian Berthelsen, CTO of Fourth, discusses how data-driven AI is the key to solving labor and inventory challenges in the restaurant industry.

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Fixed schedules in restaurants: A definitive guide

Jul 19, 2023
Fixed schedules in restaurants: A definitive guide

A comprehensive guide to fixed schedules in the restaurant industry to match customer demand and meet employee expectations.

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How hotels can manage and reduce food waste

May 4, 2023
How hotels can manage and reduce food waste

Hotel kitchens can achieve greater sustainability and profits when they implement processes to better manage and reduce food waste.

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5 Emerging Benefits Trends You Should Know

Feb 23, 2022
5 Emerging Benefits Trends You Should Know

The past year has seen employee turnover reach an all-time high, and you’ve likely experienced it at your own business. Workers are reevaluating their jobs in record numbers, and many are not afraid to work at companies that better meet physical and mental needs.

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Mobility Equals Flexible Ops: Hotel Purchasing & Inventory from Anywhere

Sep 9, 2021
Mobility Equals Flexible Ops: Hotel Purchasing & Inventory from Anywhere

Amid the tumult of a chaotic global hotel market, brands of all sizes are reckoning with myriad unexpected factors — worldwide supply chain disruptions resulting in temporary inflation, nationwide labor shortages confining operations, and regional lingering restrictions limiting growth — each making the global recovery slower than expected.

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Catering to Health-Conscious Customers

Oct 6, 2019
Catering to Health-Conscious Customers

Catering to health-conscious customers can give you a competitive edge. Find out how.

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3-Way Invoice Matching

Oct 4, 2018
3-Way Invoice Matching

The process of 3-way invoice matching is simply matching information in a purchase order (PO), a goods received note (GRN), and an invoice. Done manually, it's quite a lengthy process, so many businesses choose to automate 3-way invoice matching to reduce administration time in accounts payable and provide valuable insights into supplier delivery and pricing compliance.

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